Tips To Maintenance Your Air Conditioner – AC Cooling Guide

Tips To Maintenance Your Air Conditioner – AC Cooling Guide

When cold winter weather transitions to warmer days, it is a great and welcome change. Moving from warm weather to hot weather is often not a comfortable experience. Your air conditioner can provide much-needed relief. However, if it is not functioning properly, you will be left not under the collar. By taking a few simple steps, you can keep your cooling system running in pristine condition.

Keep your system in great shape by following these 7 Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips.

1) Filter Changes

This first and easy tip is one of the best to keep your unit operational. Make monthly filter changes a regular part of your routine. A clogged filter strains the cooling system and causes the unit to work harder than necessary. A clean filter is a low-cost way to maintain your system while lowering utility costs.

2) Clean your coils

A cooling system needs to have its AC coils and find clean. Walking around the unit and removing leaves, dirt and debris go a long way to keep the cool air flowing. Use a broom, and a traditional water hose is better than the strong spray from a pressure washer that can be too much for a cooling system. This only takes a few minutes, and it is worthwhile to keep things clean and free.

3) Trim those hedges

Any plants or shrubs near units must be trimmed. This prevents overgrowth from interfering with the unit’s performance. Make sure to leave adequate clearance around the unit for good airflow.

4) Dryer vent Angles

Do not angle your dryer vent towards the cooling unit. The exhaust can blow long into the unit’s vents, causing congestion that can be avoided by pointing the vent of your dryer in a different direction.

5) Thermostat Adjustment

Set your thermostat for a higher temperature when you are away from home. This lowers the work your unit has to do and utility costs. Updated thermostats let you program the thermostat to coordinate with your daily schedule. This optimizes the unit and increases its efficiency.

6) Inspect ductwork and seal openings

A home with properly sealed windows and doors keeps cool longer. Inspect ductwork regularly to ensure proper seals.

7) Schedule an annual cooling system tuneup.

Before the weather heats up, turn to a professional for servicing of your air conditioning system. This is a great proactive tip to spot issues before the temperature rises. A pro will look over your unit and perform maintenance. This service can help correct potential problems that can turn into more costly problems later. It usually costs between $125 and $175. This small investment is worth it to ward off thousands in AC repair or replacement down the line.

Once an AC professional arrives, they will conduct an inspection of the unit to spot potential issues. This involves voltage testing, measuring refrigerant levels, inspecting belts, hoses, and ducts. They can also apply lubricant as needed to keep things running smoothly.

An inspection of the blower motor and thermostat is the next order of business. A faulty thermostat may not properly operate to allow correct temperature regulation of the unit. A motor that pulls in too many amps can overload and need prompt replacement.

Filters should be checked monthly. A technician servicing your unit will do so as part of routine maintenance. They will also inspect and clean components such as evaporator coils, drainage lines, condensers, and compressors.

The tech will also take measurements of coolant levels and watch the unit’s operation during a normal cooling cycle. Then they can diagnose and make service recommendations.

The Significance Of Regular AC Maintenance

Maintaining your air conditioning unit as per a schedule would pay off more in the long run compared to any other routine household maintenance tasks that you’ll do. Regular AC maintenance would not just ensure cooler summers and no unexpected breakdowns, but your energy bills will remain well within control as well.

An AC that’s well maintained would run a lot more efficiently, use minimal energy, and will operate cost-efficiently. A properly maintained setup would also live much longer before requiring a complete replacement.

AC Maintenance Importance

The average homeowner can only do so many tasks. Jobs that require a license and proper training should be carried out by professionals only.

If you think you are not as good as those “handymen” and are finding it hard to perform certain maintenance tasks, always hire a professional to get, the job done. Always prioritize safety; and before performing any job on your external AC unit, shut down the power from your electrical box to the unit first.

AC Tip #1: Clean and/or Change Air Filter

Replacing the air filter of your AC (or cleaning a reusable filter) is among the crucial routine AC maintenance tasks. It must be carried out once every month, particularly during high-usage seasons (such as winter and summer) and once in the spring and fall.

The air filter would be positioned either:

• On a wall behind the return air lattice or in a house’s central room on the ceiling.
• Inside the furnace or air handler’s blower compartment.
• In a specific slot on your furnace’s side, top or bottom.

When the air filter is replete with allergen particles, dirt, and dust, the airflow decreases, which pushes your AC set up to do more than it would have to do normally, also, the air flowing through the system could become dustier, dirtier, and will most likely instigate asthma and allergy symptoms in people living in the house.

AC Tip #2: Inspect Wiring and Components

Before working on an AC, always begin by turning the power to the AC unit off. You can do this at the outdoor unit’s service disconnect your house’s first breaker panel.

Inspect old wires inside the AC unit. Next, remove your condensing unit’s access panel and check if there are any visible signs of overheating, such as melted wire insulation, burned-looking or blackened wires, etc.

You could even inspect any other electrical connection in the house to ensure they are tight. You may check the unit’s capacitors if there is an electrical testing meter in your house.

Inspect the contractor switch. If there is significant pitting, get it replaced at the earliest.

If you come across any of the problems mentioned above and don’t think you can replace the parts yourself efficiently and safely, always contact a local air conditioning and heating expert to get, the job was done professionally.

AC Tip #3: Check Thermostat

Examine your thermostat to ensure it is functioning right and maintaining the correct temperature in the house. If your thermostat is old and of the mechanical type, it is recommended you upgrade to a programmable type.

Programmable thermostats let you push the temperature up when there is no one in the house (just push the temperature up; don’t turn it off) and decrease the temperature 30 minutes prior to people entering the house in the evening.

This way, your house will always be pleasant to step in, and you would also save money and energy as your AC would not be running unnecessarily throughout the day where there is no one using the space.

Here’s a great video from the HVAC pros:

AC Tip #4: Inspect Condenser Unit Fan

Switch off the power to your AC unit and inspect the fan that’s positioned on the external condenser unit’s top to ensure it is still in solid condition. Get the fan blades replaced if you see any visible chips or cracks in the blade(s).

If your air conditioner unit is old, the bearings of the fan motor could require regular oiling too.

AC Tip #5: Clean External Unit

Over a period, dirt, leaves, grass clippings, etc. could accumulate on the external AC unit’s outside, decreasing airflow and reducing system capacity.

After negating power to the AC unit, wash the debris out gently using a garden hose, starting from the top at a 45-degree angle. Kindly do not resort to a power washer. Also, ensure you do not damage or bend the coil’s delicate fins while cleaning.

Give Professional AC Maintenance a Call

Proper maintenance of your AC unit would be of considerable benefit with regard to saving energy, money, and keeping you cool and comfortable during the very hot summer days.

HVAC professionals work on outdoor air conditioner units. Your local air conditioning and heating firm would be more than forthcoming to assist you with all and any kind of air conditioning requirements.

These professionals can check on your AC and carry out additional maintenance jobs as well on a yearly basis, which would make sure your AC unit works as efficiently as it could for the longest time possible.

Selecting The Best Air Conditioning System

Air conditioners are a necessary system that is common in the most home today. In the hot summer, people need a reliable AC to stay calm. Air conditioners are essential as these machines keep the temperature cold inside the house and help you stay fresh in the peak summer seasons. There are many types of air conditioners with varying performances depending on the features, pricing, and manufacturing configuration.

The working of the AC involves the process of purification and refrigeration that produces the air at lower temperatures. Some time free cooling machines are in operation for similar results.

Some of the most advanced types of air conditioning assemblies are hardly detectable and much more miniature than their more traditional forerunners of the past.

There are some decisive issues that people look into before buying an air conditioning assembly. These may incorporate, which kind of AC unit is most suitable for my house? Do I require an air conditioning system or can I get by if I don’t buy the AC? The cost of the air conditioning unit? What will be the weight of the air conditioning unit?

We will cover all such questions here so you can have the accurate information and when you buy an air conditioner, you make a smart purchase.

General Information – The Air Conditioner Units

Air conditioners are available in all types and sizes, and you should first check your room, the installation space, and the Area where you want to install the unit. You will require different proportions of AC if you are in an apartment, a studio, or even a large conference room, where you need ample cooling. You need to consider the Area as these dimensions are essential for you to when picking up the air conditioner.

What to Look into When Buying the Air Conditioner

You need into many details before making the purchase. You should check the number of rooms where you want the cooling, the size, and dimensions of the rooms, the type of ventilation available in the room, and will the AC installation is ideal inside or outside the house.

For bigger home air conditioners tend to be more expensive, and you will be better off with a large unit, so all room gets even cooling. If you are in a smaller living area such as an apartment or a condominium, you will find some small size air conditioners that will cost less and will also keep your residence fresh. You should pay attention to your location, the weather condition of your region while looking at various air conditioner models.

1. The Section you want to Cool?

Ask yourself why you want to install the air conditioner? Buy a unit with a clear picture in mind, so you get the best machine. Some people want to keep their attics and storage units in the range of air conditioning, while others are more interested in keeping the master bedroom or drawing room chilly. You need to check all spaces and put them into consideration when buying the air conditioner.

2. The Walls, Roof and Home foundation Material and Construction

Look into details of the material and the quality of the elements in your home construction. If your house construction is from old bricks, the probable outcome is low resistance to heat; however, if you are in new development, the walls and roof have material that reflects heat. You will have to check these details before you buy any new air conditioner. In some cases, the manufacturers offer home inspection services where they will visit your premises and check for all parameters and then suggest the ideal air conditioner to buy for your home.

3. Area of your house and the neighboring environment

You also need to consider your environment. If your home is in a location where you get more sunlight and fewer shades, you’ll face more heating. You can also be in areas where you do not get heat from the sun, but still, the humidity can be high in peak seasons. You should carefully evaluate your environment before buying an air conditioner as these details will help you to pick the right unit that will give you adequate cooling without bringing you substantial utility bills.

4. The Installation of the Unit

You also need to consider the installation. Whether you want a window AC or the one you hook to the wall or floor? You will also find units with the outer system outside the homes. You also have the option to look for portable or ductless splits system. Talk with the manufacturers to learn the best installation option for your purchase.

5. Cost of the Unit

Finally, you require to study the monetary connections of buying an air conditioning system and how various machines can relate to varying prices. More prominent air conditioning units demand more power to work, and more humid atmospheres need the AC unit to be functional for a more extended time. The air conditioning equipment that you buy can take a massive piece out of your utility costs each month. You need to consider the utility cost as well as the price of the air conditioner before making the purchase.

Welcome to Paterno’s Heating & Air Conditioning Online!

At Paterno’s Heating & Air Conditioning, our mission is to ensure the comfort of you and your family. We have brought the best in comfort control to Long Beach, CA and excel at providing our customers with highly efficient, reliable and affordable heating, air conditioning and indoor air quality products.

Our extensive Long Beach air conditioning and heating experience has allowed us to identify the heating and air conditioning solutions which stand out from the rest. At Paterno’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we insist that the products we install in our customer’s homes and businesses offer the same performance and value we expect ourselves.

There is a lot to know about modern heating, cooling and indoor air quality solutions. Even though you can trust Paterno’s Heating & Air Conditioning for the best advice, understanding common HVAC concepts will empower you to feel confident in your buying decisions! We hope the following information is helpful!